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Wedding Trends 2023

February 14, 2023by admin

New wedding trends in 2023

2022 is coming to its end, and you can already glimpse wedding trends for the new year on the horizon! Here are some of Capri My Day’s predictions.

First, to the delight of the bride and groom and guests, we will certainly welcome back the big wedding parties, after years of restrictions due to the pandemic, where there will be no shortage of music and fun. In addition, 2023 will be the year when creativity will overtake tradition, paving the way for events where decorations will be the stars, all customized according to the taste of the bride and groom.

For years already, we have seen a trend toward more eco-sustainable events. In 2023, this choice will reach even more popularity, with the realization of 0-kilometer receptions offering artisanal products not only on the table, but also in the decorations. As a result, made in Italy will also prevail over other products.

Finally, the last novelty will concern colour palettes. 2023 weddings will see colors more as a base aimed at enhancing floral decorations: colors will be toned down again and neutral tones will be in the majority, although there will be no shortage of splashes of color in shades of blue, preferably powder, bottle green and lavender. Among the wedding news 2023, however, we also see total-white weddings, especially for those who love the purest elegance and classicism.